Babies Matter
Babies Matter is located on the 3rd Floor of the Children’s Memorial Institute.
Talia-Jade Magnes
079 859 5714
Neurodevelopmental specialist – paediatrician Professor Lorna Jacklin,
has worked with child abuse since the 1980s. She convened a team of
highly specialised experts and conceptualised The Shaken and Abused
Baby Initiative (SAABI) now known as Babies Matter. The team work
tirelessly to address the needs of abused, abandoned and murdered
The Babies Matter team work to manage cases for both the child and
family within the child protection system. Once abuse has been
identified, the team work to protect the child and to mitigate against
further abuse and the resultant injuries and death. The process of
identifying infant abuse is complex and requires expertise. The result is
the need for a medical and forensic pathology protocol that guides the
various clinicians in arriving at a diagnosis. Once a diagnosis has been
made Babies Matter then need to protect the child, find suitable
alternative placements for these high need children and get evidence
before the criminal court to hold the offenders accountable.