ACFS Community Education
Bertha Magoge - Executive Director
The ACFS is a registered child based non-profit organisation established
in 1945. The primary focus is impacting educational outcomes through
improved education, nutrition and self-reliance programmes. The ACFS
reaches approximately 22 000 beneficiaries in the disadvantaged
townships of Soweto, Alexandra, Tembisa, Tsakane and Kagiso. ACFS
targets predominantly poor and food insecure communities and
implements a variety of interventions that empower the children and
communities to develop into sustainable and proud communities.
Through ACFS interventions of Toy Libraries, ECD, Child Care, Teenage
Girl’s Clubs, structured homework support, Computer skills training and
development, food gardens and nutrition support young children are
afforded an opportunity to reach their full potential regardless of their
socio-economic conditions. By focussing on education and nutrition
support daily ACFS plays a vital role in reversing some of the
vulnerabilities that these children are born into. The ACFS approach
recognises that children live in the context of family as their right
holders. It is crucial for ACFS to also intervene with programmes that
build the capacity of the adult caregivers, so they are better able to care
for children.